Inquirer’s Meeting Sunday, December 18, 2011

Postulant Module on Study

This Sunday, Sunday, December 18, the fourth Sunday of Advent, we will meet again at 10 a.m. at the Dominican House of Studies for the inquirers’ class.

Our discussion this month will be on  “Study”, which is an essential aspect of our chapter and Dominican  life.

After the 10 a.m. inquirers’ meeting, we will attend the 11:15 a.m. Mass with the Dominican friars. Then there will be a pot-luck lunch (bring something to share if you wish).

Shortly before 1 p.m, we will assemble for a short business meeting followed by elections to our Council. As the elections  are proceeding, we will continue with our last month’s discussion on the Life of St. Dominic.

After the chapter meeting, we will go to the  chapel to chant Midday Prayer. Our chaplain, Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P., will be available for Confessions after the chanting of the office.

Some members head over to Col. Brooks Tavern after the meeting for further discussion and fellowship. All are invited to join.

Please let me know if you will be attending. Looking forward to seeing you!

Yours in the Infant Jesus,

Fran Griffin
Director of Postulants


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